Program Finder

North Central Texas Academy

Brent Dodson

Director of International Admissions


NCTA is a day and boarding college preparatory Academy located near Dallas, TX. The 500-acre campus includes the Academy, athletic fields and buildings, boarding residences, dining center, Guest Lodge, Equestrian Complex, agriculture area, as well as many other facilities that support the program. With small class sizes (average of seven) and student/teacher ratio (5:1), NCTA has enjoyed a 100% matriculation rate to college/universities across the country.

Tuition costs

Tuition at NCTA is $49,000 per year. This includes all fees except uniform costs and personal spending money.


NCTA is a boarding school with family style houses, not dormitories. Each residence houses up to eight students based on age and gender. Resident Parents are responsible for the care and supervision of the students in their residence.

School type Private
Type of programs Long-term programs (study for 1 year or more), Short-term programs (study for 3-6-9 month), Study Groups, NCTA offers a short term (two, four, and six weeks) Study Vacation Program (SVP). The length of the SVP can be adjusted to fit the specific needs of students within the established dates of the program (August-September and January-February). Our school accept study groups.
English as second language

NCTA’s English as a second language program is administered by our partner, The Language Company. The Language Company provides the teacher(s) and curriculum, NCTA provides the classroom space.

Years of entry for international students with parents : From : Grade 6
To : Grade 11
Years of entry for international students without parents : From : Grade 6
To : Grade 11

Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Track and Field, Golf, Tennis, Equestrian, Youth and Government, Business Club, Student Ambassadors, Chess Club, Music (Instrument and Voice), Drama, Choir

Application process

Complete online application found at website and a Skype interview. At this time, there are not any minimum English proficiency requirements.


Rigorous college preparatory curriculum fully accredited through AdvancED (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools).

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+350 points


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